Showing posts with label wordpress CMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wordpress CMS. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2017

You Can Make Money From A WordPress Website

There are so many ways to make money with a WordPress website it boggles the mind. Essentially, what you have is a digital property unlimited potential. There is not only a crazy number of different ways to generate money from the site, but there is no ceiling The entire world of 3 billion internet users is your potential audience instead of the limited area that a brick and mortar business can cover. MORE people are shopping online every year, and MORE people are getting internet access every day. It’s a very exciting time to start an online business. There is no question about whether or not you can make money with a website. The question is how much you want to make, and how exactly you’re going to earn it.

That’s why I wanted to create a resource where you can look at potential ways to monetize your online business so you can decide what’s best for you.
Oh, and why WordPress?
  • It’s easy to use
  • There’s lots of community support
  • Plenty of developers available (you probably don’t need one though)
  • You can customize it easily with plugins and themes
  • Finding a WordPress optimized host is simple
So let’s get to it. Which one of these sounds like a great business opportunity to you? What method are your current skills/experience best suited for?

Display Ads


This is probably the easiest to understand, and the easiest to implement. You can sign up to advertising networks like Google Adsense, Bing Ads, and Amazon CPM. It’s free!
All you do then is grab a bit of code, place it on your website in a few strategic location, and they will serve up appropriate ads for visitors to your website. You get paid per click.
The trouble with display ads is that you need a TON of traffic to make good revenue from them. I have one website that gets 80-100 visits a day and it earns about $0.10 per day from that.
As a long term strategy, if you produce a lot of content and are very active in social media, this can totally work. There are folks that generate $40,000+ per month with display ads. It’s very slow going though, since traffic generation can take serious time, especially for a new blogger.

Sell Ad Space

This is another method of earning money from a website that’s easy to understand, and you’re probably already familiar with. You simply charge a certain amount of money for advertising a company or product on your website. Prices vary wildly from $5/month to $5,000+ per month, and everything in between.
Typically, you need a lot of traffic or at least a trusted brand to earn good money doing this. Although you probably want to charge a lot of money for allowing advertisers the privilege of displaying on your website, they are behind the scenes counting clicks and sales.
If you can’t deliver either, it’s not a good investment for their dollars!
This is why it’s best to hold off on this method while starting out. Wait until you have at least a few hundred visits per day, and a somewhat-defined audience you can pitch. When the time comes, is a great place to hook up with paying advertisers.

YouTube Revenue

You can earn ad revenue from YouTube in the same way that display ads work: Get views, get paid per click. Google runs YouTube, so it’s the same network as Google Adsense. But why would I be talking about making money on YouTube in an article about building a website?
There’s a secret that even the big YouTubers are ignoring: the fact that there’s an entire internet outside of viral video!
YouTube is like its own search engine, and there are people that simply browse online video when they are bored or need to learn something. But a HUGE chunk of users start out in search engines.
Owning a website is a great way to drive traffic to your videos.
Because you an embed videos on your site, you can essentially double up, ranking twice for the same keyword, and earn 2x the revenue. Your video will rank, and your website will rank as well.
You’ll need more than a blank page with a video embed, but creating written content for a website page that compliments your video is pretty easy. Add supplementary content to the written page, and you can also send traffic from YouTube to your website, further increasing revenue.
This “one hand helping the other” method is a powerful strategy. Don’t forget, you can also compliment your YouTube channel and website with other traffic driving strategies like Podcasting and social media.

Affiliate Links

This is how I make the majority of my money online, and it’s the method that I really push on One More Cup of Coffee because it’s worked out so well for me.
The basic idea of what you’re doing is writing informational articles on your website, then linking to relevant products and services within the content. There’s a number of ways to do this effectively:
  • product reviews
  • how-to’s & tutorials
  • answering questions & solving problems
Product reviews are pretty self explanatory, and I’ve written an epic article with 15 ways to turn product reviews into affiliate sales you can use as a way to get started.
How-to’s and tutorials take a lot of work to produce usually, but if your instructions are easy to follow and useful, it can be a great way to hook people in to buy anything you used in the tutorial. Before my motorcycle trip across the USA I needed to cook up a way to carry backup fuel for my motorcycle. The YouTube video which showed me how to do just that definitely earned a commission from my purchase of the fuel bottle and the bracket.
Answering questions and solving problems works in the same capacity in that you attract visitors to your website by publishing free information. In the context of your article you can link directly to books, products, and services which solve a problem, or link to reviews of these items when then contain affiliate links.
This is one of the most powerful ways to create passive income because your website is online 24/7 and can reach billions of people world-wide. A single article that ranks well could generate thousands of dollars of income after publishing. It's how I'm able to make over $10,000 per month from just a few websites, and the main method I teach people here on One More Cup of Coffee.

Create Your Own Digital Product

This is much easier than it sounds! Actually, a digital product is just a downloadable product like an ebook or set of videos. They can be publishing in many forms, including PDF, Kindle, YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, app, or software.
Most people opt for publishing in written format because all you need is a laptop and a word processing program.
The selling point is knowledge. If you are good at something and want to teach others how to do it, you can get paid for it! This goes for just about any subject you can think of. Seriously, anything.
  • how to build a chicken coop
  • how to cure illnesses naturally
  • how to brew and serve tea properly
  • how to start whiskey tasting
  • how to grow tomatoes
  • how to cook in a small kitchen
  • how to save money on minimum wage
  • how to raise smart children
  • how to train at home without exercise equipment
  • how to lose weight as a diabetic
  • how to start a podcast
  • how to make the perfect espresso
  • how to get a girlfriend/boyfriend
  • … and the list goes on
Anything you enjoy doing, can do well, or want to learn how to do can be published and sold online. Things like where to publish and how to do it will take some research. One method is publishing a Kindle Ebook. Another is to go through Clickbank or JVZoo.
You can sell it for $0.99 or $99+ depending on the type and volume of content.
What do you need a website for? For driving traffic to your product. Creating something and putting it online isn’t going to make money by itself. Once the product is done, you now need to do advertising for, which can easily be done by writing articles related to your topic and establishing yourself as an authority on the topic.

Create Your Own Physical Product

This is something I have no experience with, but the principle of the digital product remains the same: Once you have the product at hand, how do you sell it?
Owning a website is a perfect way to create sales. If you own an Amazon store, you can expand your reach beyond Amazon by ranking pages of your website in Google. You could even dominate page 1 and grow your revenue significantly by having your Amazon product show up at the top of search results, plus have your own website turn up on as well.
Some great places to start a store would be Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Shopify, or CafePress (among others). You could even sell directly through your own web property by integrating Paypal or a credit card processing. There are many plugins for WordPress that can allow you to add these features seamlessly.

Ecommerce (Online Online + Brick & Mortar)

Have more than one product you want to sell? Have a brick and mortar store that you want to expand to online sales? You guessed it! An online store is a perfect way to start making sales or increase revenue from a current business.
It’s 100% possible to create an online store with no brick and mortar entity attached to it. You can store inventory at your house and ship yourself, or “drop ship” it from a supplier. You can manufacture your own products, or “white label” them, having someone else produce them with your logo.
Are these starting to sound complicated and tough to do? Some business models are! However the key to making money online is not being a master of everything, it’s digging into just one method and doing it well, then growing vertically to increase sales or horizontally to incorporate new types of selling.


Ha! Here’s one you didn’t think of. Podcasts can be extremely profitable. This guy Entrepreneur On Fire generates millions of dollars from sponsors. Of course, not everyone will become a millionaire from a podcast, but the proof is there that you can make money with a podcast.
But again, we run into the issue of how to get your name out there so that sponsors way to pay you to advertise their products and services.
One very strong way to grow your brand is with a website. Since WordPress is so easy to set up, and you can integrate your podcast directly into your posting, it’s a no-brainer that you need a website to accompany your new online radio show.
You can also video tape your podcast recording, and put that on YouTube. Embed the video into your site, and tweet a link with a related hashtag. Now you have a social media strategy as well.
Are you starting to see how a lot of these methods of making money can be combined to feed off each other and grow your online business?


Briefly mentioned above, drop shipping would be tied into what I had to say about selling physical products online. You can create a store on Amazon or Ebay (or other place), as well as on your website. The product you want to sell, in this case, would be stored at a facility somewhere.
When a customer orders, the order can go to you, where you then place an order with the drop shipper, or it can go directly to them.
To be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about making money with drop shipping – just the basic concepts. I just wanted to let you know that it’s definitely an option to set up your website to drive traffic to an online store or to make sales directly from your site.

Local Marketing

This one is a twofer!
1. If you own a local business, having a website can be immensely helpful to increasing foot traffic, phone calls, and email inquiries about your products or services. Even if your competitors have websites too, by learning bit about WordPress your site can have a much better user experience.
It still shocks me how many local businesses I search for online that do not have websites, or have something that looks like it’s left over from the 90’s. Google listings are out of date, there’s no pictures to sort through, and there’s broken links all over the place. It’s horrible!
By doing just a few simple things to increase your online presence, it makes it easier for customers to get a hold of you, which means you make more money, get more reviews, and growth snowballs from there.
2. If you don’t own local business you can help local businesses achieve all the things I just listed above. This method does require a lot of cold calling, emailing, and hard work to get those first few clients Once you get the foot in the door though, it’s pretty easy to get referrals and grow from there.
So not only do you need to create an maintain a website for your local clients, but you should also have one for yourself! You’ll need to display your website creation skills and have proof that owning a good-looking website can create a good first impression. Having a business website set up for potential clients to look at will certainly help you convince them you know your stuff.
Having a blog about local activities, online marketing, and a social media presence can also help land you clients by ranking in search engines.

Email Marketing (Build A List)

This is probably the most famous way to make money online. Have you ever heard that “the money is in the list”? They are talking about collecting email addresses and sending promotional emails.
The basic idea of how to make money with this method is that you offer some kind of incentive for someone to join your email list. It could be a free product, a discount code, or the offer of exclusive information.
Once they submit their email address, you use an a service called an autoresponder to send a series of emails. These will be a mix of helpful/interesting and promotional emails. Done well, you can create trust with your reader, and as you recommend products or services related to the topic they were researching when they signed up, you can make money!
Done poorly, your emails will get marked as spam, ignored, deleted, or they’ll just unsubscribe.
Email marketing is a very powerful way to make money with a WordPress website. Once you have that person’s personal contact information, assuming you execute an effective campaign, they could be a repeat customer for many years to come. That’s a heck of a lot better than a one-time sale from a blog post!

Make More Money At Your Job

Your new employer is going to look you up online. Would you rather them find your Facebook and Twitter feed first, or a personal website that shows the positive things you’ve been doing with your life?
Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had a bi-weekly blog where you talked about your passion in life, which just so happened to be related to the job you’re applying for?
For those of you that are interested in landing a great job and turning it into a lifelong, passionate career, self improvement doesn’t stop when you leave at five. Yeah, if you’re a Walmart door greeter, I’m not expecting you to start website about how different cultures greet each other around the world.
But if you are applying for a position as head brewer, you bet your butt a cool-ass blog about your home brewing experiments, local beer tasting notes, and thoughts on the brewing industry is going to be gold star on your job application!
How about a teacher with a website with free lessons plans for others to share, or a scientist that writes his thoughts on new studies coming out in his field?
Having a stellar job application is one way to help you negotiate a higher salary, and an awesome website can be a part of that process.
Even if you’re already in a career you love, spending some free time every day to improve your knowledge in your field is going to produce tangible results over time. While everyone else is watching Game of Thrones in the evening and you’re doing online research or keeping up with trade magazines, blogging about your craft, and maybe even creating YouTube videos, you are creating more opportunity for yourself.
This may manifest itself in promotions, salary increases, job mobility, or just general leverage with your superiors.

Drive Traffic Anywhere

In general, owning your own website (or many) is a good idea. No matter what your interest is in business… whether you have a few failed businesses under your belt, have sold a multimillion-dollar company, or are just getting your first tingles of wanting to be an entrepreneur, a website can be a way to funnel your followers where you want them to go.
We talked about a lot of topics in this post! You can funnel visitors to a sales page on your site, to a store located on Amazon, to an email collection form, or to a local phone number.
You can use a website to grow your Twitter following, to increase YouTube revenue, or just to rant about things you’re passionate about (and get paid with ad clicks).
At the very least, you should own a personal website with your name. You don’t have to be part of the oversharing generation and talk about your deepest fears! But having a positive presence online, even if infrequently updated, can help you get a better job, find a good apartment, or prove to a new girlfriend that you’re a cool dude.

There's a huge amount of potential at your fingertips just by owning a simple WordPress website. It's an opportunity to start a business, grow your brand, expand your reach, or just improve yourself as a person. Right now is a perfect time to build your first website and get started.
It's a million times easier to build a website in 2016 than it was in 2006. Imagine how much the technology is going to change over the next decade! If you are at all interested in starting an online business or brand, take the first step NOW, and learn as the industry changes. You'll get your foot in the door early on, and be way ahead of the game as this method of earning a living becomes more mainstream.
If you'd like to learn more about affiliate marketing, which is how I earn money online, you can follow my free series of posts and videos that start here: Beginner Niche Marketer's Guide: Domain Names. That should get you set up picking a title and topic for your site, as well as finding hosting, getting ranked, and finding companies to work with.
The course is free, but there are paid services which I recommend. It's not 100% free to build an online business, but you can still do it for cheap if you follow my course. Supplemental training and resources are also included in the series of posts.

Make Money with WordPress

This may come as a surprise, but expert developers and designers aren’t the only ones able to make money with this platform. In fact, it’s inherently ripe with opportunity for:
  • Writers
  • Marketers
  • Consultants
  • Instructors
  • Salespeople
  • And more…
  •  Consider one of the following WordPress business opportunities as your starting point:

    For Developers

    1. WordPress Developer

    WordPress may be the most popular CMS, but that doesn’t mean everyone using it knows what they’re doing. Plus, many people know their business needs a website, but don’t have time to set it up or maintain it on their own. This is where a WordPress developer can step in and offer something more affordable than what the big agencies do.
    WordPress developers are in high demand, so if you know how to build and maintain a high performing website, this is the job for you.

    2. Maintenance and Support Services

    There is already quite a bit of competition by way of WordPress support services, but that doesn’t mean you have to work for one of the big companies to get work in site maintenance. No one wants their site to break, but they also don’t want to take time away from regular business matters.
    Your services can fill that gap, by managing updates, monitoring for security breaches, backing up websites, and providing other common types of support.

    3. Develop Freemium Plugins for the WordPress Repository

    If you use WordPress on a regular basis, you already know that plugins are a powerful tool to have in your arsenal. They cut out the need to spend extra time coding. They give clients a more personalized (and easy) experience when using the platform on their own. And they bring extra style to your website’s UI and UX.
    If you have the skills to create a plugin on your own, why not go for it? You can give it away for free in the WordPress Repository and consequently drive traffic back to your site where you offer advanced (premium) plugin features or other development services.

    4. Develop Premium Plugins for Third Party Marketplaces

    One of the best things about developing plugins is that they’re a wonderful opportunity to generate passive income. Unlike web development that requires contracts, client meetings, continual coding, development, and so on, plugin developers can run more of a one-and-done kind of business.
    Make your plugin and then watch it sell on marketplaces like Code Canyon or Creative Market. (Don’t forget to offer support for it, too!)

    5. Develop Premium Plugins for Your Website



    As a plugin developer you have another option available: you can sell plugins on your own website. This enables you to have full control over your product: where it is sold, how much it sells for, and how it is marketed. This will also give you better insight into who is purchasing your product, so you can follow up when you have new products or services that may interest them.

    For Designers

    6. Design Premium WordPress Themes

    If you’re interested in pursuing this line of work, remember who the audience is. You’re not only catering to WordPress developers who know how to modify themes and supplement them with plugins. You’re also targeting novice users who want an easy way to set up a site that looks professional and works flawlessly. So your goal should always be to create a high-performing WordPress theme that doesn’t leave users with an exorbitant amount of work to do on their own.
    In terms of making money, the process is the same as with plugins. The main difference being the marketplaces where you can sell them. Creative Market and ThemeForest are the most popular. You can sell these on your own too, but I’ll cover that a little later.

    7. Design Premium WordPress Child Themes

    Creating a WordPress theme may not be the hardest thing to do, but competing in the increasingly competitive premium theme market can be quite difficult. But by creating premium child themes for parent themes (like Divi, Genesis, and many more) who already have large customer bases you can market to is a great way to get into the theme business.

    8. Design Premium Divi Layouts

    A robust economy has sprung up around Divi, which is one of (if not the) world’s most popular premium WordPress themes. An enterprising designer could make a tidy business by creating useful and attractive Divi layouts that their customers can quickly implement.

    9. Design WordPress Websites as a Service

    Then of course there is the classic web design service angle. Whether you’re using Divi or another WordPress theme designers specializing in WordPress tend to have more than enough business to keep them busy.

    10. Design WordPress UI & UX

    WordPress is a developer dominated niche. Which means there are loads of themes and plugins out there that could use some user interface and overall user experience design love. If this is your specialty you could simply start by approaching developers for themes/plugins in the official WordPress repository which you feel you could help improve.

    Sales & Marketing

    11. WordPress Marketer

    Developers and support professionals who offer add-on marketing services may know which tools should be included with each website, but they might not know what to do with them.
    If you’re a marketer by profession and have a great handle on the platform, why not build your marketing business around WordPress? Help clients effectively make use of the best marketing tools and techniques for their websites—all within WordPress.

    12. Affiliate Marketing

    One of the best ways to make money is through affiliate marketing. Basically, you include promotional links to someone else’s content or products on your website. Then you receive a commission whenever someone’s click-through leads to a sale. The great thing about this is you don’t have to be writer in order to make this work. Developers, designers, marketers, website flippers… anyone with a website can do affiliate marketing.
    If you’re just getting started, consider using one of these affiliate marketing plugins.

    13. Website Flipping


    Website flipping is very similar to the concept of real estate (or house) flipping. Developers purchase the domain, hosting, themes, plugins, and any other tools needed to create a new website. They create niche-specific content for it. Then they sell it to someone in that niche who needs it.
    A website flip could be as simple as buy-setup-sell. But if you’re really looking to make a profit, you’ve got to optimize your website for search and get a steady flow of traffic coming to it.
    If you’re short on time, look into Flippa. You can purchase a website that was already built, enhance it with necessary plugins and make other value-add adjustments. Then turn it for a profit.

    14. Website Hosting

    If you want to start your own website hosting business, you’ll have to first consider who you’re up against. There are the popular hosting companies like GoDaddy and HostGator. Then there are the WordPress hosting specialists like Pagely and WP Engine. To enter into this field means you need to not only understand server technology and infrastructure, but you’ll also need to be skilled in customer support, WordPress optimization, marketing, and more.
    Consider building a team of customer support professionals before launching your business. While 24/7 support may not be possible, you’ll at least need to offer coverage during standard business hours.

    15. WordPress eCommerce

    WordPress ecommerce is a bit vague in terms of defining what exactly is being sold. That’s because it depends. You could sell WordPress themes, plugins, or premium content (like white papers, books, etc.) You even create a marketplace for developers to sell their products from. Don’t be afraid to get creative.

    16. WordPress Memberships

    While a WordPress membership website is a type of eCommerce business, it differs in its approach to sales. eCommerce websites tend to depend on the one-off purchase of a theme or white paper, while membership websites focus more on building relationships.
    If you choose to run this type of business, keep in mind that your customers will look to you for more than just buying a reliable plugin. They’ll want your support and advice, too. You should be willing to regularly engage with your audience and prospects via social media, newsletters, and your blog.

    17. WordPress Job Listings

    For WordPress professionals on the hunt for new work, it can be difficult sifting through job site after job site, trying to find something within WordPress. On the flipside, it can be difficult for companies to find the right WordPress talent to fill their jobs.
    If you have the patience to track down jobs from multiple sources every day or you want to give freelancers a place to post their resumes, consider creating your own WordPress job website. Also, make sure to have a plan in place for making money on your site. You may want to skip charging for memberships and focus on upselling premium content. You could also offer professional resume or job candidate matching services.

    For Writers

    18. WordPress Reviewer

    Consider yourself a jack of all trades, but master of none when it comes to WordPress? Think about putting all that knowledge to use and become a WordPress reviewer. If you’re already testing out the latest plugins, themes, and other products, turn all that experience into something others can use in order to make their own decisions.
    Also think about building relationships with WordPress experts, developers, and designers. That way, it’ll be easier to leverage those connections into paid sponsorship's in exchange for a review, link to their content, or ad placement on your site.

    19. WordPress News Blogger

    If you think about how often users have to update WordPress, plugins, and themes on their website, chances are good that many don’t take the time to read through the changes or patches associated with them.
    WordPress news websites can be extremely helpful in this regard. You can announce upcoming patches and updates before they happen, discuss changes going on with the tools everyone regularly uses, and more.

    20. Tutorial Blogger

    If you happen to know WordPress really well and have practical insights you can share with the WordPress community, there’s no sense in keeping all that information to yourself. Think about becoming a tutorial blogger. Develop written tutorials and record videos that demonstrate how to use the tools and techniques WordPress users need to know about or that they aren’t necessarily using correctly.

    21. Web Design and Development Blogger

    The WordPress community is huge and is always in need of good insights related to the work they do within the platform. If you know a lot about web design, want to report on upcoming trends, or develop lists of the top plugins and themes every WordPress professional needs to use, this could be the perfect gig for you.

    22. WordPress Interviewer

    Do you have close relationships with WordPress experts, professionals, leading companies, or rising stars in the space? Maybe you just really enjoy getting people to open up? Think about conducting those must-read or must-listen-to interviews, and then share those expert insights with others in the community.

    23. Podcaster

    For writers and other WordPress experts who also happen to be great (behind the scenes) public speakers, start your own podcast. Focus on speaking to one specific type of WordPress user, like the novice webmaster, the freelancer looking to grow their business, or the designer. Then you can better cover topics, news, and tips that interest your audience most, rather than try to satisfy everyone.

    24. Contributing Writer

    Image by vladwel /
    If you are particularly passionate about WordPress and want to contribute related content to other websites, there’s definitely a need for writers. You can reach out to your favorite WordPress-related website and see if their blog needs another contributor. Or you could pitch content ideas to non-WordPress websites that target small business owners, entrepreneurs, and others who may find those insights valuable when working on their own sites.

    25. Write and Sell Books

    Image by IhorZigor /
    Writers who have built up a steady stream of content on their websites, or who have something new and particularly useful to share, can turn their writing into exclusive content.
    eBooks, non-fiction books, and white papers are a great way to share your content and make a profit. Also think about offering “free” downloads to your ebooks in exchange for visitors’ contact information.

    General Ideas

    26. WordPress Consultant

    Image by M-vector /
    There’s a lot of money to be made if you can provide WordPress services or sell a WordPress product. But sometimes people want to learn how to do it on their own, and they just need a little guidance to get started. You may also find that companies with a well-established website need an expert outsider to weigh in on what’s working and what isn’t. If you have that knowledge and also have great people skills, consider the consulting route.

    27. WordPress Instructor

    Image by Pogorelova Olga /
    Another way you can make money with WordPress is to teach others how to use the platform. There are a variety of outlets through which you can work as an instructor. You could provide one-on-one advisory or consulting sessions in person or online. You could also reach out to your local community college to see if they’re in need of a WordPress lecturer.
    Whether you want to focus on the basics or provide more advanced coding and design tutorials, there’s an audience for it.

    28. eCourses

    image via ideyweb /
    No matter what your personal expertise is, with WordPress and the right learning management solution you could turn that expertise into a premium ecourse.

    29. Virtual Assistant

    Image by smartdesign91 /
    Similarly, you don’t have to be a star developer or designer to use WordPress as a means of selling your other skills. For some, that may be as simple as selling their ability to stay organized and efficiently knock out a to-do list. That’s why setting yourself up with a WordPress website and a booking solution could be just the right approach to marketing your virtual assistant services.

    30. Premium Forums

    Image by Kurdanfell /
    Do you really enjoy solving problems for others, but don’t necessarily enjoy the relationship-building aspect that comes with it? A WordPress customer support forum would be perfect then.
    Create a website or forum where anyone can submit their questions or issues—to you and the community at large—and then you can respond with helpful insights and instructions. Or you could set your site up as an ongoing subscription service for WordPress users that want WordPress support, but don’t have any other reliable resource to reach out to.

    Final Advice

    Before I close this post out, let me leave you with some final tips for setting up a WordPress business. Elegant Themes covered some business best practices and tips last year, but I want to expand on that a bit more as it pertains to the WordPress business ideas discussed above:
  • Don’t sell a service, sell a solution.
  • Practice what you preach, i.e., create your own site with WordPress.
  • Create a portfolio of your work and make sure it is high-quality and professional.
  • Gather testimonials and create case studies for your business. Social proof is everything in the digital age.
  • Blog about your business and WordPress regularly.
  • Find a niche and stick with it.
So there you have it, WordPress creatives and experts: 25 ways you can make money with WordPress. If you take a closer look at each of these, you’ll see that there are even more niches you can carve out for yourself—especially if marketing is your thing.
Now over to you: What are some more WordPress-related business ideas?

Friday, April 21, 2017

Why Popular WordPress CMS

Why popular WordPress?

Some people often make a mistake that WordPress as just a blogging platform. You can create a simple blog,fully functional websites and mobile application by WordPress.
Now WordPress the most popular CMS because it's easy to use and flexible enough for just about anything.At present WordPress powers over 22.5% of all websites on the internet.Many of the top brands use WordPress like Time Magazine, Sony, Disney, LinkedIn, The New York Times, CNN, eBay, and more.
Use WordPress because:
1. WordPress is a free software, this means you are free to download, install, use and modify it.
2. WordPress is Search Engine Friendly
3. WordPress is Safe and Secure.
4. WordPress is Easy to Use and Learn.
5. Available free and premium themes and plugins.
6. Thousand of quality freelancer wait for help you
So start with WordPress and this fiverr gig

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Choose the right website name (domain) and hosting

Before you choose a domain name, you’ll need be sure of the niche you’d like to concentrate on. Selecting a niche area to focus on, is an important task in and of itself. To create a revenue generating website it is critical that you research the target keyword pool and the niche it is derived from. For the time being, just make sure it is something you like and are genuinely passionate about. And ensure that you have reasonable expertise in the subject matter involved.

You can literally register any available (not registered yet) domain name but here is something I recommend:
need help
  • Business website If you are making a website for your business it would be best to choose a domain name that is your company name or brand. An example domain name would be or
  • Personal website – If it is going to be your personal website it would be great to go with com
  • Hobby website – The sky’s the limit
Most popular domain names extensions (the end part of website address, like .com) are .com, .org, .net, but in recent years a huge amount of new domain extensions have been introduced (Wikipedia). Now you can register crazy domain names such as,, or

However, for your first website I recommend to stick with .com, .net and .org. New domain extensions haven’t gone mainstream yet and might confuse your visitors. Even some social networks, services and apps have problems displaying these new domain names that’s why I advice to avoid them, at least for now.

Choosing The Right Domain Name

The next step in our process involves choosing a domain name. A domain name is basically the URL one types into a browser’s address bar to visit a particular website.
Getting the right domain name is crucial. A few things you need to keep in mind while considering domain name choices.
  • Short – Shorter names work better when it comes to remembrance and are easy to type as well.
  • Brandable – Remember your domain also runs to your brand, make sure it isn’t memorable for all the wrong reasons.
  • Memorable – People forget easily, come up with a name that first time visitors to your site are likely to remember.
  • Catchy You want a domain name that rolls off the tongue and describes what you do.
  • Easy to type.
  • Includes keyword (optional) – Identify the right keywords or combination of keywords. The closer your domain name is to your site’s niche, the better for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Niche specific (optional) – If you are writing a website about a specific niche check if there are popular abbreviations that you can use. For example, in WordPress there are many highly ranked websites with “wp” as part of their name., a managed hosting service for WordPress.

Funny domain name mistakes

Here are some domain names someone have registered without realizing what a huge mistake they have made:
  • – Speed of Art
  • – Choose Spain
  • – Go Tahoe


You really have two options when it comes to hosting provider types recommended for WordPress newbies.
  • Shared Hosting
  • Managed WordPress Hosting
I do not recommend anything other than a shared hosting plan for first time webmasters. All other forms of hosting that you may have heard of like Virtual Private Hosting (requires reasonable technical know how), managed WordPress hosting (too costly) might not be the right choice for your first website. As your knowledge and business grows you might consider VPS or fully managed WordPress hosting but let’s leave that for another post.
Shared hosting is the way to go and later we can talk about upgrading your host. We’ve recommended two shared hosting services and have also added elaborate installation processes for WordPress with both of them. Both hosting providers offers domain registration and website hosting and that’s exactly what we need to create an awesome website.
I will help you for making website: knockme